بحث انجليزي أول ثانوي مسارات 1446

منذ 3 أيام
بحث انجليزي أول ثانوي مسارات 1446

بحث انجليزي أول ثانوي مسارات  يثري حب الوطن، فهو بالنسبة للفرد من المُقدسات فهو لا يقل قُدسية عن حب الأسرة وحب الحياة بشكل عام، فالوطن بالمعنى العام هو الشعور بالاطمئنان والكرامة والانتماء مما يزيد الرغبة في التفاني من أجل خدمته والدفاع عنه، ومن خلال موقع الماقه سوف نتحدث عن حب الوطن.

بحث انجليزي اول ثانوي مسارات عن الوطنية

The loving of homeland

Patriotism is one of the most loyal feelings that earned by instinct. It is not inherited or born with it. Rather, it’s earned by a person instinctively, such as the loving mother and father. The homeland is like a big home that he felt safe and protected, and feels lost and strange when he away from it.

The love of the homeland for person

Is considered one of the important things that he can’t live without. There was an old saying about love in general, one of the wise men said that there are three types of love: “loving God, loving homeland, and loving mother.” nationality was mentioned as the second rank after God’s love and worship.

One of the old sayings that someone said that “love of the homeland is worship.” The love of the homeland has been associated with worship as if it were a religion of the heavenly religions, and when mentioning religions, we mention that it was mentioned in all heavenly religions the urging to love the homeland, loyalty to it, and defending it.

Patriotism is not by writing poems and songs, but it stems from within a person, so it is enough for you to love your country from the bottom of your heart and feel jealous of it if someone mentions it badly, and that for you it is your first and last love that you don’t want anyone else by your side.

How to teach patriotism to the new generations?

We have mentioned that patriotism is one of the things that the person acquires by nature, and it is one of the things that the person learns by instinct. This is not considered sufficient, but teaching patriotism to the new generations is one of the most important things that are no less important than education itself.

Talking about the international community has become one of the many and modern cultures of civilization and the Internet

It’s necessary to teach the new generations how to learn to love their homeland and how to belong to it, and how to hold the authentic Arab customs and traditions, and knowing the history of their country and its civilization, the wars and conquests it fought, and what it was in the past and what it has become in the present era.

The subject of patriotism must be a basic subject in education in schools, and it should be a basic subject in every educational stages so that all generations can learn it and not be exposed to the theft and distortion of their civilization and history, as some Western countries are now doing with different Arab civilizations.

Duties of the person towards the country

It is certain that the person has rights and duties towards his country in order to be a loyal citizen, and among these duties towards the country are the following:

  • Loyalty and sincerity to the state and the homeland: through love and respect for all citizens, Muslims or non-Muslims.
  • Defending the homeland: because the homeland is for everyone, and the exposure of the homeland to attack affects all citizens, so defending the homeland is the duty of every individual in cases of necessity; Such as exposing the state to internal or external aggression, and defending the homeland is not limited to self-defense only, but also with money, the tongue in the form of psychological support, and other matters.
  • Respect for the state system and its constitution: through carrying out religious, social, economic, security, cultural and health duties, in order to preserve the security and stability of the state, and not to sabotage public property or create chaos.

How to show the love of patriotism?

loving your country alone is not enough. sometimes the country may be exposed to some moments that require you to be at its side with positive attitudes, through many ways, the most important of which are:

  • Participation in national events: One of the things that makes a person proud of his love for the homeland and belonging to it is participation in national events and celebrations such as the country’s national holidays, independence celebrations, the founding of the state and other important events.
  • Voting in the elections: It may require you to go to vote in the parliamentary elections or to participate in the decisions taken by the state to help it in making the decision.
  • Donating to the state: The state may be exposed to a crisis that requires people to donate funds and aid to it in order to help it overcome that crisis without the need for assistance from other countries.
  • Revitalizing tourism: Tourism is one of the most important elements through which the person can express his love for his country by activating tourism to his country by showing the beauty of that country and its tourist places and pleasant landscapes.
  • Talking about the characteristics of the homeland and its history: One of the important points that expresses the love of the homeland is talking about the characteristics of this homeland in front of other peoples, which may arouse their curiosity about getting to know it and visiting it one day.

The love of the country is like water and air, for us and we can’t live without it. With the love of the homeland, we advance and win over the enemies, and we gain a high position among other countries, and we obtain a better future for the person and society.

إن حب الوطن من أسمى الشيم، فهو يقدم لنا الحياة والحب لذا فهو من المقدسات التي نتربى على حبها وتقديسها.
